Best Q Online General Item Return Policy - In most cases, items shipped from Best Q Online can be returned within 14 days after delivery. You will receive an e-mail containing the shipment date and other details of your order after it has been shipped. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.
Please contact us before returning a defective item in order to receive the return shipping address and other instructions.
If you are not satisfied with the item you received and would like to return it, you may submit a return request to us as follows:
Refunds (if applicable)
If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.
If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, and the consumer is not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason.
No restocking fee to be charged to the consumers for the return of a product.
Contact Details: